Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Changes in Timetable

Dear students, by now most would know the timetables for this semester. Below are the combined timetables of all three timetables that were given to us(6 actually, but the other were relatively the same)

Click the image to have a larger view.

As usual, problems arise from the timetables. Here are a few of them:
1. One hour lecture.
Lecturers, as I meet them, are disagree with the time setting of the timetables. The one hour of lecture was in appropriate, as little can be teach, thus learn at that time.

2. Group divisions
As most would know, we are divided into two groups:
Group A is Amalina group(sorry, I don't know who leading you guys), the one in Blue
Group B is my group(sorry Azri for taking over), the one in Green
Yellow timetables is a mix of Group A/B
However, the imbalance proportion of student in the group also create a problem, in terms of lab session and group (for assignment and discussion). Currently, Group B hold 41 students while Group A hold a mere 17 students

Currently, it is agree(between me and lecturer) to alter the timetables a little bit. See below:

Final Result

Here are few changes that may took place in the future:
Patho GIT in s39 at Thursday from 12.00 noon till 2.00pm, for ALL
Public Health in s11b at Tuesday from 10.00am till 12.00pm, for ALL
Patho CVS in s11b at Monday from 2.00am till 4.00pm, for ALL

Do pray that this changes will be possible, and may we can study in ease...

At your service,